1).TikTok. Direct publication of posts to the feed!
You can also select the publication type in your account settings:
- Direct publish (New)
- Publish from TikTok’s inbox
- Publish with our mobile app (Push notification)
- Direct publish (New)
- Publish from TikTok’s inbox
- Publish with our mobile app (Push notification)
2). Share posts with a link
Sharing content with people outside of Onlypult is now available at your fingertips, no matter where you are.
Now you can easily create a share link to any of your posts and instantly share the links with your stakeholders. This feature allows you to collaborate seamlessly, making sharing and accessing content easier than ever.
You can easily disable the link if you no longer want to share the post.
Sharing content with people outside of Onlypult is now available at your fingertips, no matter where you are.
Now you can easily create a share link to any of your posts and instantly share the links with your stakeholders. This feature allows you to collaborate seamlessly, making sharing and accessing content easier than ever.
You can easily disable the link if you no longer want to share the post.